Med-Calc Medicare Cost Report Software license fee. Prices effective beginning 1/1/23:
Annual Pricing explanation:
Fees are for an annual license based on Fiscal Year End (FYE). Security codes are generated based on the cost report FYE. This fee includes software support.
An anniversary date will be assigned to each company for each product line based on the Fiscal Year End of the cost report ordered. This date will be based on the first purchase for each provider type. Software for any subsequent cost reports with Fiscal year ends that fall within 12 months of that product anniversary date will be charged at the discounted pricing.
For Example: ABC Accounting Co.purchased the first SNF cost report on 3/12/22 for a FYE of 12/31/21,and an HHA cost report software on 4/17/22 for a 3/31/22 year end. All SNF cost reports with a FYE until 12/30/22, (but not including 12/31/22) will be billed at $85 (regardless of order date). All HHA cost reports purchased with a FYE until 3/30/23,(but not including 3/31/23) will be billed at $60 (regardless of order date).