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This one-page PPS-created Whitepaper serves as a helpful quick guide for uploading files for full cost reports via MCReF. Includes screenshots and step-by-step directions.
This one-page PPS-created Whitepaper serves as a helpful quick guide for uploading files for low utilization cost reports without electronic files via MCReF. Includes screenshots and step-by-step directions.
CMS's step-by-step guide including screenshots and detailed information on how to register for and upload files via MCReF.
From NGS: How to Access and Use the Medicare Cost Report e-Filing System (MCReF) through the EIDM System
This five-minute video demonstrates how Medicare Part A providers gain access to the Medicare Cost Report e-Filing (MCReF) system through the EIDM (Enterprise Identity Management) system. It includes a step-by-step process, highlighting information on the various screens within EIDM to gain an understanding of the access required. In addition, there is information on how providers can delegate EIDM roles to other representatives to access MCReF.
From NGS: How to Use the Medicare Cost Report e-Filing System (MCReF)
This eight -minute video demonstrates how Part A Medicare providers electronically file their Medicare Cost Report and supporting documentation through the Medicare Cost Report e-filing (MCReF) system. It includes a step-by-step process, highlighting information on the various screens within MCReF to gain an understanding of the electronic cost report filing process.
October 29 Medicare Learning Network webcast on Medicare Part A Cost Report: New Bulk e-Filing Feature. Learn how to e-file multiple cost reports in the Medicare Cost Report e-Filing (MCReF) system at the same time.